Career Fields

Die "Plastics and elastomer technology" is a cornerstone of today's and tomorrow's key technologies for mobility, health and leisure. 

The demand for engineers in plastics and elastomer technology is correspondingly high, so that a good degree opens up excellent career opportunities. This is especially true for graduates of universities of applied sciences, as their highly practical training is particularly recognized and sought after by industry. This demand will also considerably exceed the supply of graduates in the foreseeable future, which will secure career entry and development opportunities in the long term. 

Polymer materials have a wide range of applications and their importance continues to grow. Accordingly, graduates can work in a wide variety of fields. This ranges from material production to processing and application and includes all important sectors such as automotive, aerospace, mechanical and electrical engineering, sports and leisure equipment, medical technology and environmental protection. Depending on individual inclinations, the comprehensive foundation provided by the university education enables graduates to work in development and design, production or sales - at both specialist and management level.

The degree course in Plastics and Elastomer Technology at the Technical university of applied siences Würzburg-Schweinfurt is characterized above all by:

  • The high level of practical relevance in teaching, which is ensured, among other things, by the many years of practical experience of the professors and lecturers in responsible industry positions
  • The practical semester, which is mainly spent in industry.
  • Lectures in a predominantly seminar-style format (i.e. no large-scale events); interposed questions and intensive discussions are not only possible, but also common and desired.
  • Practical exercises in small groups on equipment, machines and facilities of the plastics technology course. Here students gain their own practical experience in solving problems using modern equipment
  • Practical project work in student teams