
Laboratory management

Prof. Ansgar Jaeger

Responsible employees

Berthold Dittmann

  • Rheology is the fluid mechanics of plastics. It is extremely important for us to know how the melt moves during the creation of the moulded part in order to understand the process and any errors that occur. There are considerable differences here compared to liquids or metals in a melt, which a plastics engineer must understand.  
  • The Processing Technology Laboratory has various rheometers (rheological measuring devices) for this purpose. Two of the devices, the Göttfert MI-2 (MFR-MVR measurement) and Ceast Smart Rheo SR 20 (high-pressure capillary rheometer), are used in a practical course for a better assessment of the flow behaviour during injection moulding. Students also work in small groups on the devices and determine complete viscosity curves from the measured values. 
Bild 01: Göttfert MI-2 (MFR-MVR-Measurement)
Bild 01: Göttfert MI-2 (MFR-MVR-Measurement)
Bild 02: Ceast Smart Rheo SR 20 (high-pressure capillary rheometer)
Bild 02: Ceast Smart Rheo SR 20 (high-pressure capillary rheometer)


  • C.0.05


  • Göttfert MI-2 (MFR-MVR-Measurement),
    built in 2011
  • Ceast Smart Rheo SR 20
    (high-pressure capillary rheometer),
    built in 2011